Hi friends,

My name is Natalia Ramirez, I'm 24 years old. I have a degree in Foreign Languages of Surcolombiana University (Neiva-Huila). Also, I have a Specialization in Teaching Business English of The University Of Oxford.

I had the chance of traveling to the Unite States of America in 2011. I lived in Golden, CO for 1 year. I worked as Au pair (nanny) and it was a magic experience since, I visited many places around the USA, improved my English level, made friends from differents countries and have lots of fun... all that at the same time!!! While I was working as a nanny in Colorado, I took English classes in The Front Range Community Collegue. It was great! My English teacher was lovely and I learned many things from all my classmates!!!

Finally, I have a fun, creative and innovative teaching style. I try to show students an easier way of learning English in order they feel comfortable and motivated in my class. I'm convinced that a good teacher is who install a lifetime learning passion  in students and encourage them to stay at school to learning more and more every day!




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